Get Involved

Children's University is an award-winning programme that encourages children to get involved to develop their knowledge and skills whilst increasing their aspirations

Children at the Children's University graduation

By the time a child turns 18, they will have spent just 9% of their waking life in a classroom.

Children’s University is about making the most of the remaining 91%, working with children and young people aged 5-14.

Research shows that participation in extra-curricular activities can positively impact on attainment, increase a pupil’s positive identification with school, and build self-confidence and resilience.

We want every child who takes part to:

  • Grow in confidence and self-belief
  • Enjoy new experiences in new places
  • Believe they have developed important skills
  • Feel empowered to make positive choices about their future
  • See that learning is fun, aspirational and lifelong
  • Feel celebrated for their achievements by their school, families and community.

Children who participate in Children’s University have the opportunity to learn in diverse and interesting ways, experience exciting new places and attend their own university-style graduation ceremonies. This adventure introduces children to the joy of learning, brings a sense of wonder in the world around them and develops their confidence and aspirations for the brightest futures. 

Independent assessments of Children’s University’s work confirm that not only do Children’s University participants attain at a higher level, but that there is a positive correlation between the length of time children are involved with Children’s University activities and their performance in exams. 

Research linked to Children’s University and their activities:

  • Within the new Ofsted framework, inspectors will judge a school’s commitment to personal development and character education. Schools that are part of Children’s University can demonstrate this. 
  • 2017 evaluation by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) shows a direct link between participation in Children’s University and increased attainment in reading and maths. Children in Children’s University schools made two additional months’ progress in reading and maths compared to children in the other schools.
  • In 2017, the Sutton Trust released a report that highlighted the importance of extracurricular activities for equipping children with the life skills they need. It stressed that giving young people from all backgrounds greater opportunities to develop those skills can be an engine for opportunity and social mobility. This is what Children’s University aims to do.

We are currently involved in a two-year research project with the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), NFER and Department of Education. Over 160 schools are involved across the UK, including nine schools in Bexley. The aim of this research project is to demonstrate on a bigger scale the impact Children’s University has on attainment and well-being at the end of KS2. 

For more information, email Karen Oliver at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Children's University

Award Ceremony
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Children's University Online

CU Online is an excellent way for your child to log their hours and track their progress!


We’ve compiled this list of frequently asked questions to answer those we’ve already been asked.


Children’s University is about making the most of young people's time outside the classroom!