Diversify Your team

As a business, employing people with learning disabilities and/or additional needs could be one of the most rewarding and valuable decisions you can make as an employer.

Our Job Coaches have compiled valuable tips and reasonable adjustments you can make to your workplace to accommodate a person with a learning disability or additional needs.

  • Work trial leading to potential employment

    Employer to offer a period of work over a set time period from 1 week to 4 weeks. This will allow enough time for the employer to observe the skills and qualities of the learner that they may not be able to demonstrate/discuss during an interview.

  • Bespoke Interview Questions

    Encouragement of non-abstract ideas – For example, direct questions remove any ambiguous connotations. Offer the learner multiple opportunities to respond to questions. Re-phrase questions. Avoid colloquialisms and acronyms. Encourage the use of social stories. Allow time for the student to process the questions.

  • Bespoke online Training package

    Bespoke online Training package to contain short videos / Audio – Visual learning preferred – No lengthy PowerPoint text to read. Job coach to support with training. The Job Coach can also offer systematic training.

  • Allocate individual tasks

    Allocate individual tasks each week as part of their shift. For example, the first job of the day will be to ensure that the milk is stocked up. Last job of the day to face up the Ambient section…. Providing students with a checklist of jobs to complete allows the learner to take responsibility for individual tasks over a set period.

  • Regular workplace reviews

     Reviewing vocational tasks and setting new objectives. Highlight the existing skills of the learner and the skills required for the development. Recommend reasonable periods for the achievement of targets. Use of Job Coach for systematic training if necessary.LSEC interview1

  • Job Coach

    Job Coach to communicate regularly with employers/co-workers – Preferably face to face, but suiting the business need, accommodating the needs of the business, and providing a support service with minimal disruption.

  • Buddy system

     Highlighting an existing team member who will have sensitivities to learners with additional needs. The company could offer training to develop the buddy through either college or Bromley Mencap partners.

  • Same time for lunch/breaks

    Clarification of start and finish times. Routine preferred. However, the changing nature of the business needs to be appreciated, and plenty of notice should be given to sudden changes to rotas/shifts.


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Venue Hire

London South East Colleges offers a wide range of flexible, comfortable and contemporary hire spaces at our Bromley, Greenwich and Orpington campuses.

Be an inclusive Employer

As a business, employing learning Disabilities and/or additional needs could be one of the most rewarding and valuable decisions you can make as an employer.

Work with us

We work with hundreds of local, regional, and national employers to ensure our curricula are industry-relevant and meet businesses' needs.