Tayo came to the University Centre after working in a variety of different jobs such as data analyst, makeover studio coordinator and hospital receptionist. A burning ambition to find a meaningful career using her people skills and a desire to work with young people eventually led her to our doors.

“My own instincts led me right here I have to say; I researched a number of different routes into social work and this one looked the best option for me. Bringing up two very young children meant I was looking for flexibility, somewhere not far from home and the ability to study the first two years of my degree in the College,” said Tayo. “I definitely made the right choice.”

“From the start, I have had to complete quite a few different placements in various social care settings. These included working as a key worker for a teenage girl requiring life skills support, mentoring people recently released from prison or detention centres, a substance misuse office worker and then, in my final year came the big 100-day placement. My tutors found me one at a Girls Empowerment Initiative locally. To begin with, I didn’t think this was going to be suitable for me and made my thoughts very clear. However, with encouragement from my husband and a very persuasive tutor, I came around to the idea and finally accepted the opportunity to work as a student social worker. I’m so glad I did.

“This placement was truly inspiring and I loved working with girls - mainly in schools with a recognised behavioural disposition. I co-facilitated a weekly girls club with other social workers to offer group discussions and encourage them to participate and engage by completing their own personal weekly journals. This helped to build resilience and self-esteem. I also became very involved in helping two young women who had to be moved into local authority sheltered accommodation and it was during this placement that just about everything started falling into place for me. The knowledge and skills I acquired here and the requirement to think on my feet, offering understanding and compassion made me realise I had become a different person.

“I continued with this work on a two day per week contract after the completion of my final degree year - it was the gift that kept on giving. My abilities to handle real-life situations and help young people through very difficult periods during their lives gave me great fulfilment as well as a new-found confidence. It gave me immense job satisfaction and I’ve never been so sure about the career I wish to pursue.

"I would like to thank my absolutely brilliant tutors Brenda and Tricia for the awe-inspiring teaching and direction they gave, the relentless support and constant encouragement - even during some of the more difficult stages of the course - they kept me focussed and on-track.”

Tricia Greene is a tutor on the College’s Foundation Degree in Social Care Studies and worked closely with Tayo throughout her course. She said: “Tayo studied hard, skilfully managing work, family and study but experienced sporadic moments of self-doubt during the first half of the course. Her journey was one of self-awareness which grew steadily into quiet confidence and self-belief in her abilities and her role as a professional social worker. She transformed herself from a student who aimed high academically into a person who recognised skills such as interaction, engagement and knowledge-based decision-making were the most important tools in supporting others through difficult periods thus enabling them to support themselves.

“In social work, you have to be both prepared and willing to think differently to what you did before entering the profession. The need to be non-judgemental, open-minded and to form a very deep understanding and insight to a wide range of differing behaviours, perspectives, values and social situations. Quite often this particular skill is acquired and perfected over time and with experience. This has, in my opinion, definitely been amongst Tayo’s most important achievements. I’m delighted that she is now well and truly on track towards a great career.” 

If you think you have what it takes to become a social work professional and would like to build a successful career in this sector, we’d like to hear from you. We have a great range of further and higher education courses to get you started. Join us for one of our Virtual Open Events in November.

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