The level 3 students are showcasing their work from this academic year and the exhibitions include, painting, drawing, sculpture and model making, graphic design, print making, video, animation and photography. Much of the work emanates from set assignments as well as the work they have contributed from their own personally developed projects.

Letitia, 18, has just completed her Art and Design Level 3 Diploma at our Orpington Campus and is destined for the University of East London to study Illustration at degree level. She said: ”It’s great seeing my work up and mounted on the boards so neatly. This has been a great course and I have come on leaps and bounds since I started two years ago. I’ve learnt how to draw properly and have been taught some brilliant techniques as well as learning a lot about the creative industry.”

Simon, 25, has been studying for a Creative Media Level 3 Diploma and is hoping to follow this up with an apprenticeship with an online or print media company. He said: “Photography is my passion in life and I am now looking for an opportunity to develop my professional skills with a local or national newspaper. I would love to become a photo journalist but I can adapt very easily to other specialisms such as weddings and events, fashion shoots and commercial.”

Sam, 18, is studying Graphic Design at our Bexley Campus. He too is now looking for an appropriate apprenticeship opportunity in the online gaming industry. He said: “I’m looking forward to testing out all the skills I’ve acquired here in a real-life working environment. This College has been very good at preparing us for the big wide world and life after college. We have all been given a good grounding in employability. I feel very optimistic about my future.”

Xhorxhina, 18, is studying Media Production and is currently mulling over two offers from Ravensbourn and University of Manchester. She said: “During this course I’ve discovered my love of set design for theatre, media and animations. I love making models and props and creating environments. I have a difficult decision to make about which university to accept but I suppose it’s a nice problem to have.”

Art and design tutor, Amanda Barnett helped the students organise the Orpington show and publicise it around the campuses and local community. She said: “It’s great to see the final retrospective of the students’ work on show at last. Their work shows me just how far they have come and how they have refined and cultivated their styles.”

Yon Marsh, is a media tutor at our Bexley Campus and has worked closely with the students to help them produce a stunning show. He said: “This has been a superb year for creative talent at the College. I’m immensely proud of the quality of work the students have produced and it’s no wonder that so many of them are heading off into higher education to develop their skills and knowledge even more. If they are capable of producing such high standards now, I can’t wait to see what they can do in three years’ time.”

If you think you have what it takes to become an art, design and media professional or build a successful career in the creative industries, we’d like to hear from you. We have a great range of courses to get you started. Come along to one of our open events during June and July. Click here to learn more.

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