This 2 days a week course is designed to deepen your knowledge and understanding of coding within the Information and Communication Technology sector. You'll gain practical and technical skills essential for today's digital landscape.

By completing this course, you'll develop in-depth knowledge and proficiency in coding practices, preparing you for relevant employment opportunities and further studies in coding. Whether you're looking to advance your career or expand your skill set, this course provides the comprehensive training you need to succeed.

Student using laptop to learn coding
  • What you will study

    This course will teach you to:

    • Understand the stages of the software development lifecycle, software methodologies and how working as a team contributes to effective software delivery
    • Understand the purpose and use of coding standards, coding principles and practices and coding design processes
    • Write and debug interpreted and compiled code distinguishing the different coding solutions
    • Fix bugs using appropriate techniques and reflect on how bugs can be prevented
    • Understand deployment, configuration management and version control systems.

    Units include:

    • Coding requirements and planning
    • Understand coding design
    • Implementation of coding
    • Software testing
    • Understand deployment, maintenance and configuration management
  • Entry Requirements

    You must:

    • Be over 19
    • Have 4 GCSEs at grade 9-4 (A*-C), including English and Maths, OR
    • a Level 2 qualification (Merit or Distinction) in a related subject.
  • Assessment

    Internally assessed and externally quality-assured portfolio of evidence.

  • Moving Forward

    You can move on to:

    • Further study
    • Employment
    • Apprenticeship
  • Delivery

    This course will be taught on Tuesday and Thursdays at 5.30pm-8.30pm


Computing Foundation Degree Siddharth

I decided to stay local and stick with my familiar surroundings and the tutors who I know and trust so well.

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Level 1 Brickwork Jack

I've always wanted to work as a bricklayer I have a couple of family members who are in the building trade.

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Level 1 Business Nicole

I chose to study business because I felt it would give me the skills to step out and be my own person.  

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Student Support

Starting college can be a giant leap if you have just finished school or are returning to education after a few years. We will make this transition as easy as possible, providing all the support you need to settle in

Financial Support

We are committed to supporting students in order for them to overcome any financial barriers to learning.

Term Dates

Key term dates and opening times