His career options have been given an even greater boost by his decision to take extra lessons in English and Maths via one of the College’s specialist hubs at each campus. Last year he completed his English Language GCSE exams and achieved a grade C. This year, he is working hard to deliver the same success in GCSE Maths.

He says: “I was diagnosed with dyslexia when I was much younger and it made me shy away from developing an interest in English lessons when I was at school. I found the subject very difficult and I just lost interest very quickly. Here, I got interested simply by having a really brilliant tutor, whose name is Helen. She brought English lessons to life for me and gave me some great tips on how to understand and remember how and where to use commas, colons and semi-colons, apostrophes, speech marks and lots more. I also read some brilliant books; ‘Of Mice and Men’ by John Steinbeck and ‘To Kill a Mocking Bird’ by Harper Lee amongst others. Since then, reading has become one of my hobbies and I’m currently half way through ‘The Great Gatsby’ by F. Scott Fitzgerald. 

“Similarly, I’ve also developed a lot more interest in Maths since beginning my course here. I think the difference being, everything is explained so much better. The emphasis is much more on enabling you to understand and use simple techniques to help you calculate rather than just showing you long and drawn-out equations on a board. You receive one-to-one tuition and get to learn at your own pace.”

Jack hopes to join a scheme that will provide hospitality and catering employment opportunities in European ski lodges next autumn. First, he will have to be interviewed for the role. He is better prepared and has lots more confidence in himself and his abilities. He is also considerably better equipped with his written and spoken English skills.

The College’s English and Maths Hubs are open all day, five days a week at each of our campuses. You can book an appointment to see a tutor, or drop in any time to self-study and use the facilities. Your communication and calculation skills are a vital part of your development and crucial if you want to move on into university or a career of your choice. The tutors are here to help and guide you. Don’t miss out, visit us today to find out how we can help you.

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