Medical Scientists

A Medical Scientist conducts research with the goal of understanding diseases and improving human health. May study biology and causes of health problems, assess effectiveness of treatments or develop new pharmaceutical products. May direct clinical trials to gather data.

About this Career

Average Salary


New workers start at around £27,603. Normal pay is £46,984 per year. Highly experienced workers can earn up to £77,433

Annual Openings


Job counts include both employed and self-employed persons in London, and do not distinguish between full and part-time jobs

Daily Tasks

  • Applies mathematical models and techniques to assist in the solution of scientific problems in industry and commerce and seeks out new applications of mathematical analysis.
  • Observes, records and collates data on atmospheric conditions from weather stations, satellites, and observation vessels to plot and forecast weather conditions.
  • Uses surveys, seismology and other methods to determine the earth’s mantle, crust, rock structure and type, and to analyse and predict the occurrence of seismological activity.
  • Conducts experiments and tests and uses mathematical models and theories to investigate the structure and properties of matter, transformations and propagations of energy, the behaviour of particles and their interaction with various forms of energy.

Skills Employers are looking for

Skills Importance
Science 97%
Mathematics 96%
Critical Thinking 91%
Reading Comprehension 91%
Active Learning 91%
Writing 85%
Active Listening 78%
Speaking 75%
Monitoring 75%
Learning Strategies 66%