Graphic Designers

A Graphic Designer works with text and images to create design for printed material or web sites. Develops visual designs, such as a logo, that establish an identity or brand for an organization, business or campaign; uses design skills to improve the visual impact of advertising messages, reports, books or websites. May produce documents and printed materials using desktop publishing software and equipment. May work for a publishing company or provide printed business or marketing material for business clients.

About this Career

Average Salary


New workers start at around £16,959. Normal pay is £25,600 per year. Highly experienced workers can earn up to £42,191

Annual Openings


Job counts include both employed and self-employed persons in London, and do not distinguish between full and part-time jobs

Daily Tasks

  • Produces or oversees creation of the final product.
  • Liaises with other parts of the production team to ensure graphic design fits with other elements, processes and timescales.
  • Prepares specification and instructions for realisation of the project.
  • Prepares sketches, scale drawings, models, colour schemes and other mock-ups to show clients and discusses any required alterations.
  • Undertakes research into project, considers previous related projects and compares costs of using different processes.
  • Liaises with client to clarify aims of project brief, discusses media, software and technology to be used, establishes timetable for project and defines budgetary constraints.

Skills Employers are looking for

Skills Importance
Active Listening 53%
Critical Thinking 53%
Speaking 51%
Reading Comprehension 49%
Writing 46%
Active Learning 46%
Monitoring 44%
Learning Strategies 41%
Mathematics 33%
Science 0%