Actors / Entertainers

An Actor or Entertainer portrays characters and assumes roles in performances, host television programs, or entertain in front of live audiences. Works in film or television and theatre, including professional and community based theatre. May work as a narrator, provide voiceovers for commercials or animated films or record audio versions of books; may play characters in theme parks or in living history museums. May perform comedy acts or other stage acts.

About this Career

Average Salary


New workers start at around £14,013. Normal pay is £27,447 per year. Highly experienced workers can earn up to £49,845

Annual Openings


Job counts include both employed and self-employed persons in London, and do not distinguish between full and part-time jobs

Daily Tasks

  • Plays pre-recorded music at nightclubs, discotheques, and private functions.
  • Conducts interviews and prepares reports for news broadcasts, current affairs programmes and documentaries.
  • Introduces and presents radio and television programmes, reads news bulletins and makes announcements.
  • Trains animals to perform entertaining routines and may perform with them.
  • Performs singing, comedy, acrobatic, illusion and conjuring routines.
  • Assumes character created by a playwright or author and communicates this to an audience.
  • Studies script; play or book and prepares and rehearses interpretation.

Skills Employers are looking for

Skills Importance
Speaking 80%
Active Listening 79%
Critical Thinking 66%
Reading Comprehension 63%
Learning Strategies 63%
Monitoring 60%
Active Learning 60%
Writing 41%
Mathematics 8%
Science 5%